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Black Desert Online This Requires Knowledge of Repairing

There are many PvP contents in Black Desert.
One of them could be described as a big event where all the adventurers and all the guilds join in - it's Node and Conquest War.

Most of the areas in the game world are classified as nodes. During a node war guilds fight over the ownership of particular node.When a guild wins, it will own the node for a week and receive the tax accumulated in that node, which is a great help for the guild's growth.

Conquest War or so-called siege war, has bigger scale than Node War in which guilds fight for only one node. In Conquest War is a battle over the sovereignty of a large continent. That continent is called a territory, and there are many nodes within a one. Once a guild takes over given territory, they become an occupying guild of that area. They also receive accumulated tax of the territory, which is much bigger than compared to Node War.

Even though Node & Conquest war are one of the main and biggest PvP contents in Black Desert, it doesn't mean they are difficult to participate in. All you need is cooperation and courage of your Guild! Please check the information below to find out more!

The way to win a Node War is quite simple.
Build a fort in the Node of your choice, it will be a great help to your Guild if you also add some annexes.
Once the War starts, find enemy's fort and destroy it. You need to destroy forts of all enemies before the War ends. If you succeed, you own the node for 1 week.

◈ Build Node Castle

Before you start, it's important to understand the difference between Normal Node and Conquest Node.
Normal Nodes are intended exclusively for Node War. If your Guild's main goal is to gain the tax accumulated in give Node, building a fort in Normal Guild is the best option for you. It's is a really good opportunity for Guild who are planning on starting their experience with Node Wars.
Conquest Nodes could be described as a foothold for participation in Conquest War.
You have to succeed in occupying at least 2 Conquest Nodes to be able to participate in Conquest War. Because of that battles for Conquest Nodes are way more fierce and ferocious than Normal Nodes.

Conquest Nodes will be classified into 3 different tiers (1,2 and 3) with the higher tier giving more taxes to collect. The moment you succeed in conquering the Node, the whole amount of tax will be added to your Guild Fund.

Another important thing to consider is the day of the week that Node War happens in each Node. For example, let's say there are 3 Nodes called A, B, C. For Node A war happens on Monday, for B on Tuesday and for C on Wednesday. If you want to join a node war on Monday, pick the node that has Node War on that day. You can check Node War day information in World Map (M) after switching it to Node War filter.

※ There are two methods when it comes to selecting the combat zone in advance. First, choose a day of the week on which a lot of your guild members can gather. Another one is selecting the Node base on the amount of tax possible to accumulate from it. You need to remember though, that the more silver is at stake the more guilds will try to compete for that Node.

Days of Node Wars Per Territory

- Balenos







Elder's Bridge


Balenos River Mouth


Toscani Farm


Ancient Stone Chamber


Ehwaz Hill


Coastal Cave


Altar of Agris

(Tier 1)

Imp Cave

(Tier 1)

Epheria Ridge

(Tier 1)

Wale Farm


Wolf Hills


Terrmian Cliff

(Tier 1)

Cron Castle Site

(Tier 1)

Mask Owl's Forest

(Tier 1)

Western Gateway

(Tier 2)

Heidel Pass

(Tier 1)

Foot of Terrmian Mountain

(Tier 1)

Cron Castle

(Tier 2)

Olvia Coast

(Tier 2)

Goblin Cave

(Tier 2)

Forest of Plunder

(Tier 3)

Florin Gateway

(Tier 1)

Western Guard Camp

(Tier 3)

Casta Farm

(Tier 3)

- Serendia







Southern Neutral Zone


Central Guard Camp


Southwestern Gateway


Southern Cienaga




Alejandro Farm


Northern Heidel Quarry

(Tier 1)

Bradie Fortress


Glish Swamp

(Tier 1)

Orc Camp

(Tier 1)

Bloody Monastery


Eastern Gateway

(Tier 1)

Costa Farm

(Tier 1)

Lynch Ranch

(Tier 1)

Northern Guard Camp

(Tier 1)

Serendia Shrine

(Tier 2)

Glish Ruins

(Tier 3)

Biraghi Den

(Tier 1)

Moretti Plantation

(Tier 2)

Southern Guard Camp

(Tier 3)

Castle Ruins

(Tier 1)

Northern Plain of Serendia

(Tier 3)

Eastern Border

(Tier 2)

Northwestern Gateway

(Tier 2)

- Calpheon







Khuruto Cave


Marni's Lab


Abandoned Land


Contaminated Farm


Bree Tree Ruins


Delphe Outpost


Keplan Vicinity


Oze Pass


Beacon Entrance Post


Oze's House


Rhua Tree Stub


North Abandoned Quarry


Behr Riverhead


Behr Downstream


Longleaf Tree Forest


Tobare's Cabin


Primal Giant Post

(Tier 1)

Catfishman Camp

(Tier 1)

Epheria Sentry Post

(Tier 1)

Delphe Knights Castle

(Tier 1)

Abandoned Quarry

(Tier 1)

Saunil Camp

(Tier 1)

Keplan Hill

(Tier 1)

Trina Beacon Towers

(Tier 1)

Rhutum Outstation

(Tier 1)

North Kaia Mountain

(Tier 1)

Hexe Stone Wall

(Tier 1)

Karanda Ridge

(Tier 1)

Quint Hill

(Tier 2)

Anti-Troll Fortification

(Tier 1)

Trina Fort

(Tier 2)

Epheria Valley

(Tier 1)

Lake Kaia

(Tier 1)

Longleaf Tree Sentry Post

(Tier 1)

Treant Forest

(Tier 3)


(Tier 1)

Witch's Chapel

(Tier 3)

Phoniel's Cabin

(Tier 1)

Northern Wheat Plantation

(Tier 2)

Marie Cave

(Tier 1)

Mansha Forest

(Tier 3)

Hexe Sanctuary

(Tier 2)

- Mediah







Marni's 2nd Lab


Ahto Farm


Helms Post


Stonetail Wasteland


Manes Hideout


Mediah Northern Highlands


Ancient Ruins Excavation Site


Canyon of Corruption

(Tier 1)

Kasula Farm


Stonebeak Shore

(Tier 1)

Hasrah Cliff

(Tier 1)

Tungrad Forest



(Tier 1)

Alumn Rock Valley

(Tier 1)

Mediah Northern Gateway

(Tier 1)

Wandering Rogue Den

(Tier 1)

Sausan Garrison

(Tier 1)

Stonetail Horse Ranch

(Tier 1)

Asula Highland

(Tier 1)

Sarma Outpost

(Tier 2)

Awakening Bell

(Tier 1)

Elric Shrine

(Tier 1)

Splashing Point

(Tier 2)

Omar Lava Cave

(Tier 2)

Soldier's Grave

(Tier 3)

Kamasylve Temple

(Tier 3)

Abandoned Iron Mine

(Tier 3)

- Valencia







Pilgrim's Sanctum: Abstinence


Pujiya Canyon


Veteran's Canyon


Valencia Western Highlands


Bashim Base


Pilgrim's Sanctum: Sincerity


Ivory Wasteland


Pilgrim's Sanctum: Obedience


Altas Farmland


Fohalam Farm


Deserted City of Runn


Pilgrim's Sanctum: Fast



(Tier 1)

Taphtar Plain

(Tier 1)

Ivero Cliff


Cadry Ruins

(Tier 1)

Desert Naga Temple

(Tier 1)

Altinova Gateway

(Tier 1)

Pilgrim's Sanctum: Humility

(Tier 1)

Gavinya Volcano Zone

(Tier 1)

Pilgrim's Haven

(Tier 1)

Rakshan Observatory

(Tier 1)

Crescent Shrine

(Tier 1)

Gorgo Rock Belt

(Tier 1)

Valencia Plantation

(Tier 1)


(Tier 2)

Crescent Mountains

(Tier 1)

Barhan Gateway

(Tier 1)

Gavinya Great Crater

(Tier 1)

Ibellab Oasis

(Tier 2)

Rock Post

(Tier 2)

Erdal Farm

(Tier 1)

Gavinya Coastal Cliff

(Tier 1)

Ancado Coast

(Tier 2)

Roud Sulfur Works

(Tier 3)

Waragon Nest

(Tier 3)

Valencia Castle Site

(Tier 3)

◈ How to Participate in Conquest War

First of all, you need to be occupying at least two Conquest Nodes (of any territory or tier) to be able to participate in Conquest War.

One guild can conquest up to 6 Nodes in Node War and the number of occupying Nodes resets every Saturday after Conquest War.

Another important thing is the understanding of 'node war areas'. All the node wars happen in certain locations called 'node war area'. In example, if you join the Node War for the [Cron Castle] of Balenos,
the war will be held in Eastern Velia, where [Cron Castle] node is located. You can fight your enemies in all areas, b eventually you will need to destroy the enemy's fort in the war area in order to win.

▲ If select Node War filter in World Map and click on particular node, you can check its Node War Area.

You need to build your fort in this area to be able to participate in the War, which also means that forts of your enemies are somewhere in there too. It's a good thing to try to locate forts of your enemies as soon as war starts.

When you open World Map and click on Node Information button in the top-right part of the screen you will be able to check the areas in which it is possible to build your fort. Guild Masters should make sure to choose the location that their guild members know and understand, as it might be really important during the battle.

▲ You can check the node war area by clicking on the icon in the top-right part of the game screen. if you activate this feature once the Node War starts you won't have any trouble finding the right area.

▲ Crossing behind the green line means entering 'Node War Area'. It simply means that you are not inside the 'Node War Area' where your guild's fort is built.

▲ Crossing behind the red line means leaving 'Node War Area'. It means that you are within the 'Node War Area' where your guild's fort is built.

◈ Basic Rules of Node/Conquest War

1. Node War is held from 9 PM (GMT +8) to 11 PM (GMT +8) on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
2. You (your guild) can choose the day of the week on which you want to participate.
3. You have to completely build a fort in the Node to be able to participate in War.
4. You can build a fort only in 1 type of Node (Normal or Conquest)
5. Conquest Nodes are classified into Tiers 1,2 and 3 according to the amount of tax available to acquire.
6. In order to build a fort, at least 10 guild members have to be online.

7. If you succeed in conquering a Normal Node, you cannot build a fort in any Tier of Conquest Node. If you succeed in conquering a Conquest Node of any Tier, you cannot build a fort in Normal Node.
8. One guild can conquer up to 6 Nodes.
9. You need to conquer at least 2 Conquest Nodes to be able to participate in Conquest War.
10. You cannot build a Fort in the Node if you currently are occupying the territory.

11. Once Node/Conquest War starts it is impossible to remove the fort or annexes.
12. Event before the start of Node/Conquest War it is impossible to remove the fort or annexes if 1 hour has passed since the construction was completed. It is also impossible to remove them even if less than 1 hour since construction completion passed but the time remaining until the start of the War is less than 1 hour.
13. When the Node War starts, you can see the forts of enemy guilds. However, they will not be marked on the World Map unless you deal any damage to them. 1 hour after the Node/Conquest War starts all enemy forts will be marked in World Map even if you haven't dealt any damage to them.
14. To win a Node War you must destroy forts of all the participating guilds, and your guild's fort must remain undestroyed.
15. If there are more than 2 forts left when Node War time limit reaches its end, the relevant Node becomes a liberated territory.
16. When a Node becomes a liberated territory, all the fort and annexes disappear.
17. When Node/Conquest War ends, all the forts and annexes of the guilds other than the winning guild disappear.
18. When Node/Conquest War ends all the annexes of the winning guild disappear.
19. If the Node War ends but the Node was not conquered, it is possible to build a fort in another Node from 0:00 to 8:00 PM next day.
As for the Conquer War, it is possible to build a fort 1 hour after the War completely ends.

20. You are entitled to participate in Conquest War once you build a Fort/Command Post/Field HQ in preferred territory after successfully conquering 2 Conquest Nodes.
21. Conquest War takes places every Saturday 21:00 - 1:00 (GMT+8)
22. Winning requirements for Conquest War are similar with Node War, you need to remain undefeated until the end. However, for Calpheon, Mediah and Valencia, if guilds pretending to the territory fail to destroy the 1st Gate within first 2 hours of the war, or fail to destroy the 2nd Gate within first 2,5 hours of the war, or fail to destroy Command Post/Field HQ within 3 hours of the war, the guild who has been occupying the territory before the war wins.
23. If you succeed in Conquest War, the Nodes which you owned will become liberated.
24. If you fail to win the Conquest War, you will keep the Nodes you owned.
25. A guild which wins the Conquest War can't join the Conquest War of another territory (only defense is possible).
26. You cannot participate in Node War if you won the Conquest War.

Once you decided on the Node you want to fight for and a location of your Fort, you can now build it. You can buy Forts from Guild Military Supply Manager NPC located in all main towns.

You can choose any Fort marked as [Node]. The silver will be taken from you Guild Funds.

▲ You can choose any of 3 types of Forts available at NPC store.

▲ Once you move to the location in which you want to build your Fort, right-click on the Fort icon in your inventory and Fort construction screen will appear.

Be noted the only Guild Master or Guild Officers can build Forts. Once you are in the location where you want to build it right-click on the item in your inventory and Fort construction mode will open. Select your spot and click confirm to register your Fort.

▲ Blue spots mark locations in which you can construct your Fort while red ones are not available for construction. You should choose locations which would be the best to protect your Fort from enemy attacks. It takes 1 hour for the fort to start looking like that. But you don't have to worry, the moment you register your fort you become a participant of the Node War (and it is only possible to build your fort no later than 1 hour before the War starts).

Once your fort is completed you are ready to participate in the Node War. Make sure to be ready on the selected day on 21:00-23:00 (GMT+8).
However, if your preparations end on only building a Fort, chances are you might lose quite fast. This is when annexies come in really helpful and can help you emerge victorious!

◈ Build annexes to protect your Fort

Annexes are designed to protect your fort and help you during the battle.
The number of annexes that can be built is limited, so make sure you only build the ones that are helpful for your tactics.

Anneses are not only important for their specific features but also they role of making it harder for your enemies to reach your Fort. Thats why its really important to place them in location in which they can serve their purpose best.

▲ Number of annexes that can be built is limited.

Annexes are either installable or consumable and play an important role in Node and Conquest warfare. You need to use them properly to be able to take full advantage of cannons, elephants, siege towers etc.

Also, annexes will not be visible to your enemies until the Node/Conquest War starts.
Once you select the location, it is build within 100 seconds. At first durability is very low, but after 100 second it reaches 100%.

As opposed to the Fort, it is possible to build annexes even after the War starts. Because of that, your guild members should make their best effort to protect it while it's being built.

With few exceptions, annexes can be bought from Guild Military Supply Manager NPC.

▲ You can purchase forts and other annex-related items from Guild Military Supply Manager. Guild manager/officer/quartermaster can purchase them based on rank, and all the cost will be deducted from the guild fund.

Guild member rank

Items that can be bought a guild shop


All items


command post, square fort and related to conquest war and node war, as well as crafting materials and items under officer level


Conquest/node war related consumables such as Hwacha, Hwacha Shingjeon and traps and other common grade items

Normal guild member

Guild craft ingredients

- Annex buildings for node and conquest war only

Recovery center (Size 1)

Can be built around the fort(command post)

When your guild member dies during the combat and revives, it has effect on revival waiting time.
The waiting time is initially 10 seconds, and after the node/conquest war starts, it increases by 1 second per 1 minute,
Each time a character dies, it increases by 1 second and increases to 120 seconds (maximum time).
At this time, 1 recovery center will decrease the waiting time by 6 seconds.
But the function of this recovery center is calculated only for the maximum time (120 seconds).
If there are 5 recover centers, 30 seconds decreases and it becomes 90 seconds.
So if your waiting time is less than 90 seconds, it doesn't get affected.
But if it is over 90 seconds, it will be affected by the recovery center and will be fixed at 90 seconds.
The recovery center does not have big effect on the beginning of node/conquest war,
But has bigger effect in the later half.

Cannon Observatory (Size: 3)

Can be built around the fort (command post)
The cannon observatory allows the production of cannons through interaction after the node or conquest war starts (Each cannon will cost money and it will be taken from the guild fund). It will take 5 minutes to produce and once the production is completed, the cannon will be placed in the inventory of the guild member who produced it.

You can produce as many cannons as you want, but only one cannon can be installed per Cannon Observatory.
If you want to use more cannons, you will need more Cannon Observatory buildings.
The produced cannons will only last for 4 hours and any summoned cannon will automatically be destroyed after the Node or Conquest War ends.
A 'cannonball' is required to operate the cannon which can be produced through in-house crafting. As the cannon can effectively destroy enemy siege weapons, it's important to learn how to maneuver it correctly.

※ If you were producing a cannon and your Cannon Observatory was destroyed before it was finished, the cannon will be destroyed and you will no longer be able to produce cannons. However, if you were using the cannon and the Cannon Observatory was destroyed, your cannon will remain intact.

▲ Cannons produced in the Cannon Observatory can be installed anywhere.

Elephant Nursery (Size: 5)

Can be built around the fort (command post)

You can summon an elephant from the Guild Stable every 12 minutes after the Node and Conquest War starts. Please note that once the Node or Conquest War starts, all the guild elephants in the same channel will be forcibly moved into the Guild Stable (not applied when they are not in the Conquest War channel).
You can build as many Elephant Nurseries as the number of elephants your guild has. If the guild owns 2 elephants, you can build 2 Elephant Nurseries. You can build up to 3 maximum.
Elephants that are summoned from the Guild Stable will be randomly selected. If there are 4 elephants in the nurseries, 1 is selected randomly.
In order to summon an elephant, one of the guild members will need to interact with the Elephant Nursery. But the mount rule is applied, so one guild member can summon one elephant.

※ What happens if you your guild summoned an elephant and has been using it, but the elephant nursery gets destroyed?
You will be able to continue using the elephant that were already summoned, but will not be able to summon anymore elephants.

▲ Unlike its adorable appearance, an elephant is one of the most powerful weapons in Conquest War.

Flame Tower & Hwacha (Size3)

The Flame Tower and Hwacha act as bunkers that protect the fort.
The two are made in a form where one of the guild members get on and maneuvering it,
And it shows powerful firepower against the enemy character.
The Flame Tower has a short range but is powerful and effective against close enemies. The Hwacha, on the other hand, has excellent range and is much more effective against far-reaching enemies approaching the fort. In order to use the Flame Tower and Hwacha, you must purchase Flame Tower Fuel for the Flame Tower and Shingijeon for the Hwacha from the Guild Shop.
The Flame Tower requires a warm up time of 3 seconds after each attack whereas the Hwacha requires 10 seconds (loading time).

Please note that players who are operating the Flame Tower and Hwacha will not take damage until the annexes they are operating are destroyed.

▲ Flame Tower and Hwacha need to be directly maneuvered by guild members. Flame Tower is effective against close targets while the Hwacha is effective against enemies that are further away.

Supply Depot (Size: 5)

▲ Supply Depot is one of the most important annex

As the name suggests, the Supply Depot supplies various items necessary in a Node War. Firstly, it allows you to access the Guild Shop so you can quickly buy ammo for the Flame Tower and Hwacha and Potions for guild use.
But for Guild Shop, the items you can buy differs depending on the rank.
The next is repairing gears. During a combat, your gear's durability can wear off quickly, and through this function you can fix the gears right away. The repair feature within the Supply Depot will be available to all guild members.

Lastly, the Supply Depot also serves as a stable which will allow you to revive horses and camels (camels will be available in a future update) will that may have died during the Node or Conquest War. Please note, however, that you cannot remotely withdraw or check out a horse in other territories through this stable. Like the repair feature, the stable will also be available to all guild members.

▲ The guild members must directly interact with the Supply Depot during a war to use its functions.

Wooden Fence Gate (Size : 2)

▲ The guild member can open and close the wooden fence gate through interaction.

Can be built around forts (command post)
You can build up to 2 maximum, and can open the door through interaction.
This door can be used in various ways. Firstly, if you build it in an important point, it can block the entrance of the enemy since its very high.
In a situation where it's surrounded by barricade, depending on where you locate this door, you can make the movement of your guild easier. .

It can also be used when your guild's elephant needs to get out for the combat.
Since elephants are big sometimes it is difficult for them to get out,
But if you use this door, it can be easier and strategic.
But if you leave the door open enemies can easily come in as well, so you must be careful when using it.
Wooden fence gate is more effective if you build it with wooden fence.
Since its durability is lower than the wooden fence, it must be built at an important spot.
(Wooden fence gate can be used at node/conquest war, and wooden fence can be only used at conquest war.
So keep in mind that the content where it has to be built with wooden fence is limited to conquest war.)

Wooden fence (Size: 1, Exclusive to Conquest war)
Can be built around fort (command post).
It is a a concept that is a step above higher than the barricade that which will come later.
It is built around the fort (command post), and it protects your guild's other annexes as well as forts.

▲ Image of two wooden fence put together. The left is front and the right side is the back.

On the enemy's side, it is difficult to cross because of its height, and your guild members can get on the foothold any time and go over it.
The durability is much better than the barricade (including strong steel), and it is tall like its name explains, it is difficult to jump over.
But since there is a foothold behind the wooden fence, the defense (The side that set it up) side can easily go over it.
Since it could feel like a huge wall on the enemies' side,
If you surround it well, you can make a strong defense line.
You can use up to 50 wooden fences at the maximum, and you can only use it during conquest war.
Also, by using usable scantling, you can repair the durability as well.

Medium/Large Siege tower factory (Size : 3/5, Exclusive for conquest war)

Can be built around fort (command post).
If you build this annex, you can make siege tower, which is a powerful siege weapon.
The guide way to using a siege tower factory is similar to cannon observatory.
Buy siege tower factory in the guild shop, and build it around the fort(command post).
After conquest war starts and you press 'function start' the production of siege tower factory starts.
For the production time, medium size is 20 minutes, and large size is 40 minutes. If the factory gets destroyed while producing, it disappears together.

▲ Left is medium siege tower factory, right is large siege tower factory

When the production is done, the siege tower is registered as an item.
If one guild member receives it the item goes into the relevant guild member's inventory, and can summon the siege tower wherever the guild member wants.
But it can be summoned only from 300m away from the enemy's command post, and can't be summoned in a castle (Calpheon castle).

The summoned siege tower is designed as a watch tower with wheels.
If you go on it, you can jump over high places.
In case of medium size, you can jump over wooden fence, and for large size, you can jump over the wall as well.
One guild member should control the siege tower.
Everyone, including your own guild members and enemy guild members, can get on, so it's important to use it while protecting it.
It is a strong weapon that can jump over castle walls or wooden fence,
So it could work as great strategy if you use it well. But you should know that siege towers are vulnerable to elephant or horse attacks.

▲ Gigantic siege tower. One person can control, and anyone can go on the tower.

▲ You can target the castle or wooden fence in the form above.

Indomitable Flag Factory (Size : 3)

Can be built around fort (command post).
If you build this annex, you can make 'indomitable flag' which is a kind of outpost.
The guide to using an indomitable flag factory is also similar to cannon observatory.
After completion, if you press 'function start', one of the guild members can get the 'indomitable flag' after 30 minutes.
If you use the obtained item in node/conquest war zone, it changes to 'place mode', and you can set up the indomitable flag in an area you want(excludes safe zone, inside the castle).
But indomitable flag can be set up where it is certain distance away from your and enemy's fort and command post.
Also you can use 'indomitable flag' item for 4 hours, and after this time, you can't use it anymore.
After the indomitable flag is built, when guild members die during node/conquest war, they can resurrect at this point.
Also, the built indomitable flag can be protected by setting up barricades.
The total number of barricade that can be built is 10, and since this number is held by indomitable flag it has no relevance to the number of annexes connected to forts or command posts that can be built.
The barricade that are installed can't be extended with steel barricade, and when indomitable flag is destroyed it gets destroyed together.

Other annexes (Size : Varies)

In addition to the annexes mentioned above, there are various other annexes that can be utilized to help defend your fort. The most important one is barricade. You can surround your fort with Barricades, for example, so that enemies cannot easily approach or attack.
After installing your Barricades, you can upgrade them into Steel Barricades which have drastically improved max durability.
Barricades have a size of 1 and up to 50 of them can be installed depending on the type of Fort your guild owns.
Siege defense towers are unmanned siege weapon that is fixed on the ground when installing it. If enemies comes nearby, it will automatically attack approaching enemies.
Other than this, there are various kinds of traps.
These traps can be set anywhere regardless of the location of the forts, and it can be used anytime, not just during node (conquest) wars.

▲ Given that every fort has a maximum annex capacity, be mindful of the size of each annex your guild installs and the geography of the area when fortifying your fort.

▲ Managing these installments effectively will bring your guild closer to victory.

◈ Plan your strategy with your Guild members

If you are finished with the steps above, you are almost ready for war.
Only thing that is left is to organize your guild members and choose your strategy.

Depending on the number of Nodes you occupy, the number of guild members who can participate will differ. That's why it's really important to distribute Chances to occupy wisely.

Number of Nodes

Maximum Participants

0 Nodes

Max 100

1 Node

Max 80

2 Nodes

Max 60

3 Nodes

Max 40

4 Nodes

Max 20

5 Nodes

0 (only Fort construction allowed)

Guild Members-to-participate in the Node/Conquest War can be decided via the Chance to Occupy system. Guild Masters will use an exclusive UI window from Guild window (G) and grant at max 5 times the Chance to Occupy in Node/Conquest War for Guild Members.
You can place Chance to Occupy to 20 members at a time.
Regardless of actual participation of the guild member, the 1 Change to Occupy will be deducted every successful occupation of a node from a guild.

That means up to 100 members can participate in first Node War. Guild that already occupies 2 Nodes will be able to have 60 participants in its 3rd Node War (only member with more than 3 chances to occupy).

◈ Strategize and Scout for Enemy Forts

The most important thing in this process is,

1) How many guild joined in for the node war?
2) How can we find the enemy's forts quickly?
3) How should we manage our offense and defense strategies?

First off, the Guild Master and Officers should quickly assess how many guilds will be participating in the Node War. When you open the world map you can see the node war progress state, and if you click this you can see how many guilds joined.
The number of guilds participating should give you some ideas on how to prepare for battle. If there is a lot, you should be a little bit defensive, if there are little, you can be offensive.
Secondly, you should find the enemy guild's node. It is one of the most important part of a node war.
When node war starts, the enemy guild's fort location does not show up on the world map. But if one guild member finds the fort of the enemy's guild and attacks, the location will show up on world map.
So discovering the enemy's node as soon as the combat starts is the key to victory.

It is also good to choose guild members who go on patrol, and go on different ways to look around in the beginning.
Most guilds will build their forts in a secluded area so players who scout will need a keen sense of direction and detection.

Lastly, you should determine how to manage offense and defense squads.
This actually depends on the capability of a guild master or a siege leader.
Someone within the guild should constantly assess what's going on and assign guild members to areas that may need help.
While your Guild may want to go all out and rush a target, it may also be beneficial to focus on defense and wait until the other guilds destroy each other.
But as always, it's your choice.

▲ Your guild's fort(blue) and enemy's fort(red). It's not seen at first but if you find the enemy's fort and attack it, it becomes red.

◈ Combat! Combat!

If you found the enemy's fort, you can start attacking. It's not that difficult at all.
You work with guild members and attack when you see an enemy,
And destroy the enemy's fort quickly.

There are few exceptions from that rule when it comes to Conquest War.
As for Conquest War in Balenos and Serendia, same as in Node War, if there is 2 or more Forts left standing once the War is over, territory becomes liberated. In case of Calpheon, Mediah and Valencia Conquest War, Command Post of occupying guild must be destroyed before the war ends.  If that doesn't happen, the occupying guild wins and keeps it's right to the territory.

Before you start charging towards the enemy forts, it's important to have an understanding of which weapons will cause the most damage in various situations.

While players can effectively damage other players, forts and annexes, they are not as potent against Flame Towers and Hwachas.
Cannons excel at destroying enemy Flame Towers and Hwachas, but can easily be destroyed by mounted players.
Understanding how these components interact with one another and scouting out what the enemy guilds have set up will help your guild in selecting the most effective strategy.

For the forts, until 50% the durability can also decrease from external factors such as cannons.
However, once the fort's HP drops below 50%, only players will be able to deal damage.
From 50% on, characters should go on a passionate fight with each other.

Another important element to Node and Conquest War is the definition of death .
If you die during a Node War or Conquest War, you cannot resurrect immediately nor resurrect at the nearest node.
You will have no choice but to select [Resurrect at Fort/Command Post] where you will then respawn at your fort.
Also, if you use the 'Escape' function while a Node or Conquest War is in progress, you will be teleported to the nearest town.

But if you extend an indomitable flag factory, which is an annex,
You can set up a flag(concept of outpost)on a place the guild member wants and resurrect at this point.

If you invest in guild skill, you can summon 'outpost'.

If you set it near the enemy's fort, you can resurrect at 'outpost'.

◈ Important! Understanding combat and participation rules

1. Participants of the Node war can attack/take damage each other in any location within the Node.
2. Participant from Node A can enter Node B and be attacked by participant from Node B, but cannot attack him back.
3. Participants from Node A and B can attack each other but only it the Node of their participation.

4. Non-participants of Node War cannot attack each other event in Node War Area.
5. Participant of Node War can damage/kill the mount of non-participant very easily.
6. The guild war and PK (PvP switch) toggle button are disabled during Node War.
7. PK (PvP switch) toggle button is possible to use during Conquest War.

8. Guild War can be declared during Node and Conquest War, but in the Node War channel the guild war function will be suspended while the Node or Conquest War is in progress.
9. In non-Node War channels Guild War declaration and Guild War itself can be executed,.
10. If a Guild War was declared earlier than the Node or Conquest War, the Guild War will be suspended while your guild or the opposing guild is participating in the Node or Conquest War.

11. Collision will be ON for all players in the Node and Conquest War channels. (Regardless of the level)
12. Participants in the Node and Conquest War can attack anyone anywhere except in Safety Zones.
13. Being killed by a Node or Conquest War participant will not cause any death penalties.
14. Mounts (aside from guild-only mounts) will also have no penalty from being killed.

Guild repair is also very great to know.
All the forts can be repaired by guild members.
It takes a certain amount of time when you repair it,
And Polished Stone(node castle) or Blackstone Powder(Normal castle) are used as materials.
Please note that the repairing progress of your fort will be interrupted if your character receives a debuff attack (stun, knockdown, push, floating).

◈ Occupying the Node after the victory

Once you win the war and become the occupying guild of the Node of Territory, your guild insignia will be displayed on Node/Territory banners and flags, for all the Adventurers to see.

Also, you can receive the tax accumulated in given territory.
Amount of tax differs according to the Territory or Tier of the Node, and will be added to your Guild Funds the moment you win the war. This is a great moment for Guild Masters to send out guild bonuses to their members.
Amount of obtainable tax increases as follows:

Normal Node < Conquest Node (Tier 1) < Conquest Node (Tier 2) < Conquest Node (Tier 3) < Territory < Castle

If a Node or Territory becomes liberated, the amount of tax continues to stack and the winnin Guild of the following week gets a chance to take it all. Naturally in case like this, the battle for a Territory with this amount of accumulated tax will get even more fierce.

Security budget cost gets taken off from the tax collected from the castle. If Guild A wins the Conquest War and gets to own the territory, 50% of the tax will be deducted as security maintenance cost.

But every time guild A continues to keep their occupancy over the territory, the security budget cost goes down to 50%, 40%, 30%, 10%, and 0%. So if one guild conquest the affiliated territory for 5 weeks straight, they can earn a lot of tax.
If the occupying guild of the territory changes from A to B, the security budget cost is initialized back to 50%.

For guilds that succeed in occupying a territory through the Conquest War, there's an additional bonus, the Crown.
Crowns are given to the Guild Master of the occupying guilds of Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon.
The crown can be worn on the head, and it enables the wearer to use channel chat without consuming Energy or world chat without using a Megaphone.
Upon winning the Conquest War, the Crown will arrive in the Guild Master's personal warehouse in the territory's capital city.

▲ If you wear Silver Mane Horse Crown/Blue Lion Crown, you can do server group chat in Balenos/Serendia server without consuming energy.

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